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Scope 3 GHG emissions programme

Scope 3 GHG emissions programme

PCF Guideline
Home | Scope 3 GHG emissions programme

The Product Carbon Footprint Guideline

for the Chemical Industry

Calculating the carbon footprint of products provides the best product-level information for identification, tracking and reducing Scope 3 GHG emissions in the industry.

Taking the lead for the chemical industry, TfS developed the Product Carbon Footprint Guideline for calculation for chemical materials which will enable suppliers and corporations to produce, and later on share, high-quality carbon footprint data.

  • First-of-its kind, chemical industry-specific and tailored to meet the unique challenges when calculating PCFs
  • “Audit-ready”, ISO-compliant, and accepted by the GHG Protocol
  • “Open source”, useful for global industries using chemical materials


Version 3.0 of the PCF Guideline in Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Portuguese will be made available on this page in the first half of 2025. Please check the English version for the latest version of the PCF Guideline (V3.0).

Learn more in our videos

Discover the TfS PCF Guideline video (02:25)

Discover the TfS PCF Guideline video (02:25)

Subtitles in Mandarin.

Introduction to the TfS PCF Guideline (16:50)

Learn about the TfS PCF Exchange solution

The Product Carbon Footprint White Paper

Improving and harmonising Scope 3 Reporting

The TfS White Paper explores the challenges and opportunities for harmonising carbon accounting methodologies in the chemical industry. It discusses the complexities involved and suggests strategies for a more sustainable future. The paper identifies three key modifications that are vital for the chemical industry to implement to improve carbon accounting:

  • Biogenic carbon accounting
  • Mass Balance as a transition mechanism
  • Recycled materials and content

TfS PCF Data Model

For suppliers to correctly report PCF in the TfS PCF Exchange solution, TfS developed the PCF Data Model. While the TfS PCF Guideline remains the methodological reference on how to calculate PCF, the Data Model is a more detailed and technical document describing how the PCF should be reported in term of data fields, nomenclature and formatting. The PCF Data Model replaces section §5.3.2 and respective Table 5.20 in version 2.0 of the PCF Guideline.

List of multi-output processes

Co-products of processes or as well from waste treatment processes are compared to similar alternative products, and the environmental burdens associated with the alternative product(s) are subtracted in the substitution approach from the product system under study to obtain the impact of the main product of the production process.
To ensure a harmonised substitution approach, TfS publishes these examples in a list after a review process that shall be used in the specific situation.



List of accepted PCR

Based on the TfS PCF Guideline, a PCR describes a set of specific rules, requirements, and guidelines for carbon footprint of a product or partial carbon footprint of a product quantification for one or more product categories. Organisations can submit their PCRs for TfS listing.
A defined process will be applied to decide on acceptance of the PCR.
Sector-specific rules not officially declared as PCR can also be listed.



Verification Framework

The PCF Verification Framework provides a structured approach to verify and certify PCF results and datasets. It addresses the need for a common PCF data model and exchange format, facilitating the sharing of accurate PCF data across supply chains. The framework introduces three levels of trust, each with specific procedures, purposes, and scopes, ensuring clarity and guidance for companies preparing for verification or certification.

The Verification Framework is currently under review following a consultation period. Changes may be forthcoming.




Resources for suppliers

To help you take your first step in your PCF journey, we have gathered useful resources and training material together in one place.

Freely accessible to all, the Supplier toolkit will help you get up to speed in no time.


The supplier toolkit is available in several other languages:

What are you waiting for?

Join us in providing accurate data and reducing emissions.

The TfS Solution:

TfS Scope 3 GHG emissions programme

Discover the PCF Exchange solution and TfS Academy:

PCF Guideline and Data Model


current page

PCF Exchange Solution


Training Programme


Supporting documents

TfS are here to support your efforts to decarbonise. We have compiled resources in these downloadable documents.

PCF Guideline
Supplier briefing

Two pager

solution flyer

Get ready to decarbonise handbook on supplier engagement

TfS Overview on available training

The TfS Scope 3 GHG Emissions Programme: A unique solution for the chemical industry and beyond

The end-to-end TfS solution for the chemical industry to monitor, manage, and take steps to reduce its Scope 3 GHG emissions.

By using the

  • PCF Guideline as the method to calculate PCF and
  • TfS PCF Exchange solution to share the information at scale

TfS members are equipped with the tools required to reach their GHG reduction goals and make their contribution to the Paris Agreement.

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